Unitarian perspectives on God

Unitarians hold many different views of God. At an online event in November 2020, some of our leading thinkers shared their perspective on God.
“During an adult RE course a couple of years back I asked the participants to draw how they saw God as a child and how they saw God now. The pictures of childhood Gods were remarkably similar – most people, myself included, had drawn an old man with a long beard, sitting on a cloud. The pictures of how we saw God now were different, but all tried to capture something similar – I drew a large web linking people, animals, plants, stars and planets.” – read ‘With of without God’ by Laura Dobson
“The other thing I want to say today is that, during my years of ministry, I’ve found that people want to talk about God. Whenever anyone has found out that I am a Minister they want to talk about God… Whether God is someone they believe in, don’t believe, love, hate, blame, they want to talk about this… and I think Unitarianism is one of those places that such conversations can safely happen.” – Read ‘With or without God’ by Rev Ant Howe
Watch ‘God is Everything and God is Someone’ by Rev Stephen Lingwood, or read it here.