Support us

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Your support can help spiritually healthy communities to flourish

Our wish is to enable humanity and all life to thrive – and we do this by supporting the development and smooth running of free and inquiring spiritual communities. We invite you to be a part of this work.

Your generosity can help us to do more to help reach more people, and to make a bigger impact at the local and national level – helping more people to feel they have a community they can belong in, being there for people in times of crisis and of celebration, helping people find their path to a more fulfilling life, and leading social action to make a more just and loving world.

The General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches (Registered Charity No. 250788), supports our local congregations, who all operate independently in our decentralised, non-hierarchical movement, by supporting ministers and other leaders, by encouraging and sharing innovation, and facilitating connection and inspiration across our community and with allies and partners.

You can help us by supporting our work financially – by a one-off or regular donation, or by becoming an Associate Member.

We are grateful for those who have given us generous gifts in their will, in recognition of the role Unitarianism has played in their life. If you need any information about how to support our work as a legacy donation, please get in touch.

Associate membership

We invite you to become an Associate Member of the General Assembly if you’d like to be an individual member of our movement (rather than membership through a congregation) and to support us financially. Associate membership costs £40 or more each year (or £10 per year if you are under 25) and additional donations are, of course, very welcome.

You will receive a badge and the Associate newsletter twice a year, along with early notice of special events. At our Annual Meetings, you will have the right to speak in formal debates as the movement considers new resolutions, and we will invite you to a special reception where you can meet other Associate Members. Associate Membership also enables those who are not currently part of a local congregation to have an individual vote in elections for our Executive Committee, held every two years.

If you are a taxpayer please consider signing up for Gift Aid.

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By selecting 'Yes' above you are confirming that

  1. you are a UK taxpayer and
  2. the amount of income and/or capital gains tax you pay is at least as much as we will reclaim on your donations in this tax year.

Gift Aid increases the value of donations to charities by allowing them to reclaim basic rate tax on your gift. We would like to reclaim gift aid on your behalf. We can only reclaim Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer. Please confirm that you are a eligible for gift aid above. More about Gift Aid.