Coffee & Comms #2 – Ministry Through TikTok

11am / 25 July 2023 / Online


Tuesday 25th July 2023, 11am-12pm
Online, via Zoom

Join us for our second ‘Coffee & Comms’ online gathering, as we welcome Arek Malecki to chat with us about using TikTok as a tool in his Unitarian ministry.

‘Coffee & Comms’ is a new informal series of Zoom gatherings for spotlighting some of the interesting, creative and excellent communications work being done by Unitarian congregations and sharing best practice with those who’d like to learn and up their game.

Our gatherings are hosted by Rev. Rory Castle Jones (Unitarian Communications Officer) and Lizzie Kingston-Harrison (Unitarian Congregational Connections Lead).

Our sessions are open to all – so make yourself a cuppa, settle down in front of your computer screen, and get ready to connect with great people and great work being done across our denomination and beyond.

Arek Malecki is minister-elect with Leicester Unitarians. He is approaching the end of his ministry training with the Unitarian College and the Luther King Centre. A couple of years ago, Arek turned to TikTok to share with his audience what it’s like to train for Unitarian ministry – and now what it’s like to be Unitarian minister. In this session he will share his experiences of using this social media platform.

Zoom Link. Meeting ID: 839 5177 5640. Passcode: unitarian.
